
Search results

  1. Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Problems Developing in Ohio – What Dairy Producers Need to Know

    amaranth, including a short video on identification and an 11-minute video that explains the risk from this ...

  2. MILC Program Information

    calculating production and payment levels, and finding the appropriate forms. All producers desiring to ...

  3. Your Milk Check is Under Attack! Where are all the Federal Order 33 Pool $$'s Going?

    I use. Question: How does what you just explained put my milk check dollars at risk? For any given amount ... relatively large compared to the other orders (i.e. those orders with high class III and low class ...

  4. Working Safely with Anhydrous Ammonia

    ammonia is stored under high pressure. An unintended release can occur if the equipment is not well ...

  5. Ohio State Economists to Discuss Sustainable Development at Conference with Jeffrey Sachs

    part of a panel discussion at 3 p.m. in Mershon Auditorium, 1871 N. High St., with Jeffrey D. Sachs, ...

  6. Robotic Milking: Are we there yet?

    between the free stall area and the milking center to prevent the introduction of unacceptable odors and ...

  7. Sustainable Agriculture

    if they try to compete in the market place with large industrialized and highly specialized farms. ...

  8. Extension landing page

    Corn Performance Test Sampled for Nematodes (P. Thomison) > Extension News Nematodes in Corn Could ... to Managing Disease, Achieving High Yield (A. Dorrance) > Extension News Soybean Disease ID ... available online: > Gibberella Ear Rot and Mytotoxins in Corn: Sampling, Testing and Storage  (pdf) The ...

  9. Nagendra Subedi Subedi, N. 2009. Use of Biorational Products for the Control of Diseases in High Tunnel Tomatoes ...

  10. Global Climate Change Policy: Extractive Industry Impacts and Response

    regional levels, often in collaboration with the larger business community and environmental NGOs, is based ...
