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Ohio State Economist Offers 2016 Grain Market Outlook
is weak.” Roberts said that growers can continue to see $3.50-$4 per bushel corn, $8-$9 soybeans and ...
Jill Pfister to Retire
1976 with a major in Agricultural Education and licensed to teach high school agriscience. She began ...
Proposed federal changes could lead to eased rules for egg processors
the same level of inspection and oversight of all regulated products as we carry out our public health ...
Seeking the Stink Bug’s Natural Enemies
determine when their field is at risk for economic damage,” Michel said, “and therefore when they should ...
Scarlet or Not, Ohio State Works to Make Sure Your Poinsettias Are the Best
proactive, and find new and better ways of doing things," Palm said. "But testing new technologies ... with Luis and his students, we can cut years of testing on our end and move faster. His experience on ...
OARDC to Host Compost Bedded Pack Dairy Barn Workshop on Dec. 5
Zhao said. Possible benefits of the system also include less environmental risk from the ...
Prepare Your Sprayer for Storage Now to Avoid Costly Problems in Spring
snow, rain or soil, rusts metal parts of unprotected equipment of any kind. Ultraviolet light softens ...
Chow Line: Farm to School efforts worthwhile
and whole grains and reduce the sodium on the school menu. The act also promotes connections between ...
Chow Line: Do not (I repeat) do not rinse the turkey
U.S. But research by the British Food Standards Agency between 2000 and 2003 showed that rinsing off ...
Family Fundamentals: Take small steps to save on monthly bills
compact fluorescent bulbs, LEDs or halogen incandescents and you’ll save between 25 and 80 percent in your ...