
Search results

  1. Expectations for Western Bean Cutworm

    has not tasseled, and we have a large amount of late planted corn which may be at risk for ...

  2. Overholt Drainage School-Session 2

    improvement contractors, soil and water conservation technicians, farmers, engineers, consultants, ... related to the purpose, design, layout, construction, and management of Soil and Water Conservation ... USDA-NRCS, USDA-ARS, Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Defiance SWCD, Ohio Land Improvement Contractors ...

  3. Yield Forecasts for Corn

    projections of yield estimates for the remainder of the growing season. The July 20 simulation indicate a high ... -corn-yields-based-on-hybrid-maize-model-simulations-as-of-july-20th. In-season yield potential forecasts for the three Ohio test sites, Custar, S. Charleston, and ...

  4. 2016 OHIO Pollinator Habitat Initiative Symposium

    many interesting topics, speakers and networking opportunities between vendors and attendees.  ...

  5. B. Barrick

    202 Subject: Can I have Room 202 tomorrow (Friday) from 11:30- 12:30?? Importance: High   Just let ...

  6. Terms and Definitions-- The Big Data Confusion: Part 9

    manuals to determine what words align with which definitions.  For example, between two companies, the act ... be interchangeable as related to planting.  Within contracts between growers and ATPs, there can be ...

  7. Recommendations for Late Planted Soybeans

    previously conducted seeding rate trials, suggest seeding rates between 200,000-225,000 seeds/acre when ...

  8. Cool Weather and Corn Dry Down

    grain storage should begin at about 24 to 25% grain moisture. Allowing corn to field dry below 20% risks ...

  9. G. Kaletunc

    Between 6-8 pm.   Jan 12, 25, 26 Feb 8, 9, 22, 23 March 8, 9, 29, 30 April 12, 13 Repeats every month on ...

  10. Time to stock up on nozzles now! But do you know which one to buy?

    hold a high value in their ability to influence sprayer performance. Nozzles meter the amount of liquid ... sprayer boom. Nozzles also influence droplet size, affecting both target coverage and spray drift risk ... vegetables, vineyard, shrubs and trees, etc.); and spray drift risk. A new Ohio State University Extension ...
