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Crop Production Costs – Do you know yours? A quick look at the 2016 Ohio Farm Business Analysis
$4.17, and the four highest cost producers averaged $6.21 per bushel. Only the high 20% of these corn ... highest cost producers will know if their costs were high compared to previous years due to weather or ...
FABE Seminar
on April 5 between 1:30 PM and 3 PM. I also would like to have the same room reserved from 10 AM till ...
Dealing with Winter Injured Forage Stands
in alfalfa. The saturated soil during much of the winter took its toll, with winter heaving being ...
Graduate Student Organization
Our purpose is to provide an organized outlet for communication between graduate students and ...
When Science Isn't Enough: Communicating in a Complex World
regulations and acceptance of agricultural innovations. Come learn about the tension between science and ...
Asiatic Garden Beetles in Northwest Ohio
Damage appears to be most prevalent in sandier soils, which are concentrated in NW Ohio, but can also be ... mouth (CORN Newsletter 2013-15), see photo 1. If uncovered from the soil surface, the g+rubs try to move ... quickly back underneath the soil. Damaged fields often have gaps in rows, and affected corn often appears ...
Xtend soybean/dicamba information
along with an ODA fact sheet summarizing key aspects and differences between the labels. We have also ...
Using Aerial Imagery to make Agronomic Decisions- Greenville
Making with High Resolution Crop Imagery Drones in Agriculture Layering Your Maps Big Data – Where are we ...
2016 Grain is in the Bin- What Should I Watch for?
cleaned grain, stored into a clean bin will prevent problems. Questionable grain due to high levels of ... a depression. After coring the bin, the grain mass should be leveled flat for a most efficient aeration. If the ...
Western Bean Cutworm: Adult Moth Catches Continue to Increase in Northeast Ohio
different growth stages. Eggs are laid in unevenly distributed clusters of 5–200, but averaging about 50 per ...