
Search results

  1. Rain, Rain, Will It Ever Go Away?

    dribbling off. So, there’s greater potential for soil and fertilizer washing away from a field and into Lake ... algal bloom level was classified as severe. “I think that’s why farmers are working really hard on ... prevent erosion so their soil’s nutrients — and the investment they made in them — don’t get flushed away, ...

  2. 2015 National Extension Conference on Volunteerism

    Regular registration fee (March 7 – April 15): $300 One-day registration: $150 ...

  3. USDA-Borlaug mentor follow-up visit to Ukraine

    By Dr. Rafiq Islam, Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources Program Director Recently, Drs. Tom ... They discussed accelerated salinity and degraded soil quality, droughts, and soil compaction issues in ... and Extension presentation on sustainable management of soil quality and water resources in response ...

  4. 4-H Fundamentals

    is targeted toward “newer” 4-H professionals, but it is open to those with any experience level. ...

  5. On-Farm Assessment & Environmental Review (OFAER) Program

    backgrounds evaluate environmental risks, such as surface-water pollution, groundwater contamination, odor, ... size can be environmentally successful. When risk areas are identified, producers find that by ... physician's office, the OFAER program is of no cost to the producer. Also, when risk areas are identified on ...

  6. Farmers Flocking to Meet the Demand for Lamb

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — The high slopes of southeast Ohio and other parts of the state are suited more ... productive land,” said Roger High, executive director of the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association (OSIA). Many ... them former dairy producers who took up raising sheep for a chance at higher profits, High said. Some ...

  7. PetPALS CGC #7

    CGC Test Item #7. Coming When Called This test demonstrates that the dog will come when called by ... the handler. The 20-foot long line is still attached to the dog after completing Test #6. The handler ... away. This exercise does not test “stay,” but whether the dog will come when called. The test is ...

  8. Collaboration with the Regional Campuses

    have a slightly different fee schedule than the Columbus campus). Those not desiring credit will pay 50 ... approval to teach the course must be negotiated between the Extension professional and the county chair, ...

  9. PetPALS Socialized Test

    Socialized PetPALS (SPP) Tests The Socialized PetPALS (SPP) test is for all acceptable animals but ... dogs. This test was modified (with permission) from the American Kennel Club’s (AKC) Canine Good ... Citizen® (CGC) Test.  The 4-H PetPALS team must pass all 9 Socialized PetPALS Test items for the animal to ...

  10. Bullying in the Workplace

    illness, and severe trauma. Workplace bullies often target employees who are high performers and liked by ...
