
Search results

  1. Q&A with Dr. Darren Drewry

    while helping address environmental challenges at the community level. As a Peace Corps volunteer in ... a professor, the success of my research program will be highly dependent on the productivity and quality of ...

  2. Horticulture program receives USDA and industry grant support to conduct strawberry market and season Extension research

    currently sourced from farms and related jobs outside of Ohio, has an estimated farm level value of $165.3 ... production systems, and protective culture production systems including high tunnels and greenhouse ...

  3. Open for Businesses: Endeavor Center has services to help start or grow a business

    and a small break area, as well as three high-bay industrial type spaces. Tenants have access to high ...

  4. ODA Pesticide Exam Preparation for the license procedure. Each private applicator will need to take the Core test (general safety ... how to prepare for the category tests. ...

  5. ODA Pesticide Exam Preparation

    applicator will need to take the Core test (general safety for the applicator and the environment) and the ... Core and Category 1 and to share with you how to prepare for the category tests. Download a flyer to ...

  6. Shared Harvest Food Distribution- New line up hours

    behalf. This individual must be able to attest to the household income level and give the name, street ...

  7. Communiqué January 7, 2015

    State policy 1.50, solar energy, Local Government Leadership Academy, and community plans for small ... 4-H leader • for his work with Ohio State policy 1.50 to distribute information, answer questions, and ... – between 39:30-44:10 minutes into the video. This also includes links to the presentations during ...

  8. Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms

    additional non-effective NDF. In practical terms, this means that there are some high fiber by-products that ... sugarcane 154 84.62 76.71 92.53 Soybean Hulls 101 72.27 50.54 94.00 Soybean Meal, expeller 244 239.14 221.81 ... Bran 52 80.51 65.49 95.52 Wheat Middlings 45 91.58 78.50 104.67 Appraisal Set Name Actual ($/ton) ...

  9. Don't Be Surprised, Do Tax Management for 2004 Now

    prices for cull cows have remained high, they need to focus on their net farm income since the costs of ... a taxpayer to pay more income taxes over time, the objective of tax management is to level out those ... expensing, and the additional 30% or 50% first year depreciation. If you don't need additional ...

  10. Make Plans for Immediate Forage Needs

    a forage extender. Limit WCS to 5 to 6 lb/day per cow because of its unsaturated fat content. High fiber ... fermented starch sources are used (e.g., wheat, barley, high moisture corn, and steam-flaked corn) than dry ... corn, replace no more than 50% of the dry corn or increase the amount of fiber in the ration. With low ...
