
Search results

  1. Brent Sohngen Serves as Co-Author for Forestry Chapter of the U.S. National Climate Assessment Report

    Congress and is used by policymakers at all levels to formulate national, regional and local policy. U.S. ...

  2. Ohio State Convenes iAGRI’s 2nd Climate Change Conference in Tanzania with International Partners

    Sub-Saharan Africa, such as soil fertility, value chains, conservation agriculture, water management, private ...

  3. Scholarship Donors Offer Students the Opportunity to Study Sustainability on Andros Island

    help her to further understand the interaction between culture and the environment. “I became an EEDS ...

  4. CFAES Graduate Students Make Their Mark at Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security

    global food security, as well has facilitating valuable linkages between students and potential research ...

  5. Timothy Ursich- Agricultural Engineering Student

    between the mountains.  I have also had the opportunity to operate some heavy machinery, including a CAT ...

  6. Why Americans Waste So Much Food

    “They perceive there are practical benefits, such as a reduced risk of foodborne illness, but at the ...

  7. CFAES Graduate Students Expand Their Horizons in Tanzania

    scarcity and micro-nutrient deficiency in the soil, allowing them the opportunity to understand how systems ...

  8. Emerald Ash Borer

    millions of ash trees.  All ash species with a significant presence in North American forests appear highly ... American ash trees that appear to have survived in areas of high EAB density, suggesting they may be ...

  9. Students Travel to National Conference

    food industry. Leaders Conference bridges the gap between academic, leadership and work experiences ... presented and help the delegates gain the most from this unique leadership experience. Even with high ...

  10. Amanda Weinstein Awarded the M. Jarvin Emerson Student Paper Competition Award at the 44th Annual Mid-Continent Regional Science Association Conference

    urban areas at the local, state, and national levels. MCRSA is one of five regional science associations ...
