
Search results

  1. A&P Staffing Guidelines

    levels: Category I being the lowest and Category IV being the highest. Attachment I (Professional ... equal incremental steps; rather each requires an increasing level of ability, responsibility, ... Reclassification Category I to Category II. The individual consistently fulfills the assigned duties in a highly ...

  2. Communiqué January 3, 2013

    e-mail Dr. Smith (, use the subject line “Dean McPheron event request,” and explain ... technologically wired, highly educated and eager to make a difference in their workplace. This highly interactive ... between 1980 and 2000, and this generation is almost as large as the Baby Boomer generation. An ...

  3. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Conference

    Earthworms Above and Below Ground—Earthworms have brought gradual but enormous changes to soil structure, ... soil chemistry and soil life, impacting not only relationships among the organisms both below and above ...

  4. Ohio State Dairy Judging Team Competes in Texas

    Annual judging contest.  We have high hopes of escaping the winter weather for a more desirable ... banquet, we were 3rd overall and 3rd in reasons, and 2nd in Jersey. Tanner was 2nd high in reasons, 4th ... high individual, and 2nd in Jersey and Swiss.  Kate was 9th high individual and 4th in the Jersey ...

  5. PetPALS CGC #3

    CGC Test Item #3. Appearance and Grooming This test demonstrates that the dog welcomes being ... of responsibility.  The test begins with the dog either standing or sitting by the handler. The dog ... does not need to maintain a certain position during the test. The handler may talk to the dog and ...

  6. 2003 Dairy Farm Price and Marketing Management Practices Survey- Your help is needed!

    most Ohio Grade A milk producers in late December. Many questions still surround the use of risk ... effective are they? This survey will help us answer these and other related questions. Whether you use risk ...

  7. Agronomy In-Service

    Registration: Start Time Topic ...

  8. Frequently Asked Questions

    format. Although some of the images may vary, the information is the same and presented through study/test modules. ...

  9. Agricultural & Natural Resources Madness- Tournament of Education

    reach the agricultural community in a time of high stress,” Custer said. “OSU Extension has also updated ...

  10. Voices for Food program looking to expand into more counties

    the risks for obesity and diet-related chronic diseases,” explained Dr. Dan Remley, who leads the ...
