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AEDE Welcomes Professor Wuyang Hu to OSU
individual level.” A fitting philosophy for a professor and researcher whose work over the past twenty-years ...
ACEL students participate in CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum
research by Ohio State undergraduates; and facilitates exchange between students, faculty and the public. ...
Beef Cow Size and Profitability
bodyweight. In his article, Hersom says that feed requirements account for 50 to 75 % of the annual ...
Food Waste
estimated to range between 30-40 percent of the food supply. That translates to approximately 133 billion ...
"The effects of state presence on urban crime and state legitimacy: Experimental evidence from policing and municipal services in Bogotá"
a particularly common and celebrated approach in high crime areas of US cities. While backed by evidence from ... attitudes towards the police or city government. The results suggest that intensive, highly targeted, ...
Make Plans for Fall Weed Control
uniformly mix the upper few inches of soil to uproot existing plants and bury any new seed. Scout in spring ...
Freezing Basics
style pressure canners need to be tested on a yearly basis. I can do that in our office by appointment ...
4-H Kicks Off New Year
planned for 4-H at the county level in 2016. In addition to updates from Wayne County 4-H staff, state ...
March Is National Nutrition Month
children say they are not doing all they can 50% or more actively seek information about nutrition and want ...
Speaker Bios
of individual welfare across value elicitation methods, and testing the stability of individual ... University of Hyderabad. An interest in exploring ubiquitous interdependencies between dynamic economic ... modeling methods she studies feedbacks between human behavior and coastal ecosystems, and the policy ...