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  1. Mission

    Values Benefits and Costs of Environmental Policies Risk Assessment and Management Sustainability Issues ...

  2. Milk Price Outlook

    cwt. for milk testing 3.5 percent butterfat. This price is up $1.67 over the July price and $3.91 ...

  3. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Cow-Jones Index for cows milking 70 or 85 lb/day at 3.7% fat and 3.1% protein. In the November issue, the ...

  4. “This Time Is Different: Why the Current Low Commodity Prices Lead to Different Outcomes than in the 1980s”

    While they will increase, loan defaults likely will not reach levels experienced during the 1980s. ...

  5. Cow Comfort is a Requirement for Making Milk

    the risk of lameness, and if providing pasture during this time affects lameness during lactation. ...

  6. AEDE Students Win Research Awards

    Concentration of Highly Educated Workers in U.S. Metro Areas." Alexandra Tsvetkova's won the William ...

  7. HCS students get a Golden Opportunity

    minor. The American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America and the Soil Science Society ...

  8. 2015 Ohio State University Career and Internship Fair

    graduate programs and degree levels with employers seeking to recruit them for career employment and ...

  9. Farmer to farmer: Retired Extension educator volunteers in Mozambique

    apartment complex. The university provided transportation between the apartment and the university. There ... 5 percent of the agricultural GNP. The annual per capita income is $885. High soybean yields are over 22 ... bushels per acre. High corn yields are over 80 bushels per acre. Most of the corn and soybeans are raised ...

  10. Dairy Leaders Honor Ohio's World Championship Industry During June Dairy Month Celebration

    Pearl Valley Cheese was awarded the Silver Medal in the highly competitive Colby cheese category with ... that fosters the creation of mutually beneficial relationships between all those that have a vested ...
