
Search results

  1. Dr. Francis Fluharty to Retire After 35 Years of Service

    a highly valued, respected and productive member of our faculty for many years. His insight, relationships ...

  2. The Ohio State University Saddle and Sirloin Judging Contest

    9:00 am. The contest is open to all 4-H and FFA members ages 8-18. For seniors (high school ...

  3. A Diet Is Only as Good as the Data Used to Formulate I

    variation. This means that over a short period (a few weeks), differences between samples in nutrient ... duplicate samples and if the averages between 2 sets of samples are different, the silage DM really changed ...

  4. Grape Pruning Workshop

    damage 11am-Noon:   Go to the vineyard to prune VSP, High Cordon and selecting renewal trunks The OSU ...

  5. Team Academic Resources

    North Central Risk Management Education Center (pre-proposal mid-Dec, full proposal end of Feb) North ...

  6. Master in Animal Sciences (MAS) Now Offered

    aimed at individuals who wish to increase their knowledge and competence at the graduate level in ...

  7. Request UG Information

    GPA ACT score SAT score Comments/Questions CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are ...

  8. 2013 Fechheimer Seminar: Dr. Anthony Parker

    macro-level as part of a sustainable production system partnering with the energy industry.  Dr. Parker has ...

  9. Ohio State Meat Judging Team Hosts the First Day of the SE Collegiate Meat Judging Contest

    and 8 th overall high-point total of the contest; Eric Moore 1 st individual reasons, 2 nd individual ...

  10. Composition of Corn Silage Harvested in 2010

    of grain (dry versus high moisture versus steam flaked) that can affect ruminal pH and rate and ...
