
Search results

  1. Joseph Shultz, Chief Economist for the U.S. Senate Ag Committee, Briefs AEDE on the Status of the Current Farm Bill Debate

    Agriculture Committee as he greatly enjoys being a link between the academic world and policymakers in ...

  2. Soil Health and Compaction Event


  3. New School Year: Think Big with Career in Food, Ag, Environmental Sciences

    have a high rate of job placement after graduation. As the new academic year begins with classes that ...

  4. Exurban

    design and evaluation, High quality presentations, and Information about the wide array of data sources ...

  5. Communiqué May 8, 2013

    Families at Risk) grant we just received from the USDA. Our vision for this five-year project includes ... between parents and their adult children and grandchildren and issues of inheritances. Not only have ...

  6. Communiqué February 6, 2012

    maintain high levels of clientele support. If you are planning a levy ballot sometime in the future, this ... inspirational construct and enrichment through high energy, interactive and substantive breakout sessions, ...

  7. Communiqué February 20, 2012

    the 13 high-trust behaviors that Covey discusses in the book. I believe trust is SO important to ... level. We have a wide range of previous personal experience in county offices (including some other state ...

  8. Momentive and Ohio State Students Partner for Sustainability Study

    Marquette, a division-level Global Sustainability Leader in Momentive. Said Marquette, “As Momentive began ...

  9. Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics (CRAE) Held at Ohio State on April 5th and 6th; Meeting was a Huge Success

    important, and often complex, relationship between universities and agricultural producers in the regions ...

  10. Thank You, Joan Weber, for 30 Years of Service

    her management skills and attention to detail are truly second-to-none. On a personal level, I have ...
