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  1. OCT 3, GAPS training, CUYAHOGA

     Good Agricultural Practices Educational Course You will learn about soil amendments, water ...

  2. Lynxs Conservation

    occurring at a level typically ten times higher than the troughs and about 5 years after them, and the ...

  3. TWEL Lauren Blyth Thesis

    treatment or stand level suggest that salamander abundances decline after disturbance. However, salamanders ...

  4. Safety and Health Topics for your Winter Programs

    costs of personal risks could even be higher. This program identifies the top priorities all producers ...

  5. Liz Berg's Graduate Exit Seminar

    Liz Berg will present  The Effect of Hydrological Restoration on Nutrient Concentrations, Macroinvertebrate Communities, and Amphibian Populations in Lake Erie Coastal Wetlands  Thursday, December 13th at 10:30AM in Heffner Building 128. Abstract: Histori ...

  6. The Benefits of 4-H Summer Camp

    4-H members and non 4-H members.  The cost is $150 for 4-H members and $155 for non 4-H members.  The ...

  7. Environmental Professionals Network 1.15.19

    CLIMATE ACTION: OUR LOCAL RESPONSE TO A GLOBAL CHALLENGE The U.S. Global Change Research Program just released its  Fourth National Climate Assessment.  Some weather-related challenges in  our region  include impacts such as flooding, drought, and increas ...

  8. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    particularly in fluvial systems that are highly variable over space and time. In particular, river regulation ...

  9. New Exhibit Showcases History and Role of Forests in Ohio

    the story of the unique connection and history shared between The Ohio State University and Ohio’s ...

  10. Jaeger Lab Current Members

    identify species of concern within proposed reclamation sites. My project “Geomorphic Differences between ... Unmined and Reclaimed Surface Mined Lands in southeastern Ohio” explores the linkages between ...
