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2010 Forage Performance Trials
commercial varieties of alfalfa, red clover, white clover and tall fescue in tests planted in 2008 to 2010 ...
Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices
Cow-Jones Index for cows milking 70 or 85 lb/day at 3.7% fat and 3.1% protein. In the November issue, the ...
CD Wire- January 14, 2014
includes a course notebook, several books on urban agriculture, light refreshments and a soil test ... requirements under the new law. The CHNA toolkit is designed for state level professionals such as state ... $50, which includes breakfast and lunch. For complete information and to register online, visit: ...
Smart Cities, Healthy People: Community Development that Builds Social Capital
There is a growth in recent scientific research that reinforces the correlation between how communities ...
The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices
of about 10¢/Mcal, NEL is still a highly priced nutrient For MP, its current price (41.2¢/lb) is ... also greater than its 6-year average (28¢/lb). Thus, we are currently in a period of very high dietary ... 6-year average (-9¢/lb). Meanwhile, unit costs of e-NDF are historically high, being priced at about ...
Milk Price Outlook
unexpected. Commercial use of milk during the third quarter rose from year earlier levels. Stocks of dairy ...
Hort program receives USDA grant
farms outside of Ohio, has an estimated annual farm level value of $165.3 million. Ohio being home to ... market window, thus capturing a profit from the high demand for local strawberries. This system allows ...
Become a 4H Camp Counselor!
link to Videos should be between 2 and 5 minutes long. Act in the video as if ...
Jaguars in North America
the jaguar, dated between 40,000 and 11,500 years ago, have been discovered in the United States, ... prey. Jaguars have been found at elevations as high as 3,800 m, but they typically avoid montane forest ... and are not found in the high plateau of central Mexico or in the Andes. Substantial evidence exists ...
4-H Walk and Serve
groups interested in community service High school students with a community service requirement and anyone who ...