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  1. Hands-on Agronomy Education Nurtures Senegalese Farming Future

    farmer use a mechanical transplanter. The inexpensive device can plant 50 plants per minute, dramatically ...

  2. Hands-on Horticulture

    50 plants per minute, dramatically reducing the amount of time needed to fill a field. With ...

  3. Have a Heart to Heart Talk with your Children

    foundation.  Good family communication helps develop trust and builds respect between members of the family.  ... bridge between you and your children.  It is a way for you to share love and teach appropriate behavior.  ...

  4. Tips to improve study time for our teens

    to consider the level of noise that they can tolerate when studying.  Some teens work best in total ... silence or with low to moderate noise level, and others can listen to a jack hammer right outside their ...

  5. Working Safely with Anhydrous Ammonia

    ammonia is stored under high pressure. An unintended release can occur if the equipment is not well ...

  6. OCDC achievements

    Specialists with OCDC lead programs for high school agricultural science students from Portsmouth and Piketon, ...

  7. Over the River and Through the Woods

    ability to move freely throughout the home without increasing the risk of falls.  Just because you can ...

  8. SBDC success

    Awards are voted on by all counselors around the state.  All levels of field staff are eligible for ...

  9. 2014 Ohio Safety Congress & Expo

    entry. This session highlights the need for lock-out/tag-out and identifying risks when working from ...

  10. Safely Working with Anhydrous Ammonia in the Field

    associated to working with it. One hazard is that anhydrous ammonia is stored under high pressure. An ...
