
Search results

  1. Tools for Measuring Sustainability- Professional Development Workshop

    efforts. The workshop is designed to facilitate collaboration between sustainability professionals. Our ...

  2. CFAES Increasing Agriculture Productivity in East Africa

    juices, a critical skill in Tanzania where farmers sometimes produce bottled juices high in bacteria ...

  3. President Gee 'Greatly Valued 4-H Experience'

    is among the most highly experienced, respected and recognized leaders in higher education. And he ...

  4. Media Advisory: Sudden Temperature Drop’s Impact on Gardens

    garden with the sudden drop in temperatures. Early temperatures were forecast for a high of 70 degrees in ...

  5. Chow Line: Fight against flu bug with healthy diet

    variety of high-quality protein sources, including fish and seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, beans ...

  6. Growing season: OARDC's organic farming program gets a shot in the arm

    of Food and Agriculture funds the project. Topics also included studies on soil-building cover crops, ...

  7. Innovation Seminar Series

    health, synthetic biology and the production of high-value chemistry from sustainable resources.   He has ...

  8. At the corner of eating and healthy: Ohio State center targets functional foods

    focuses on the complex relationship between diet and health. Part of the College of Food, Agricultural, ...

  9. CFAES’s Sullivan Nets Ohio State Distinguished Teaching Award

    backgrounds and bringing everyone up to the same level of understanding.” Joining the award presentation were ...

  10. Ohio State Names New VP for Agricultural Administration

    mission of the nation’s land-grant universities. A highly respected scholar, McPheron is known globally ...
