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  1. Students Learn to Turn City Soil to Farmland

    Students taking a course on evaluating urban soil and determining steps for a return to fertility ...

  2. Local students tour manufacturing facility as part of National Manufacturing Month

    October’s National Manufacturing Month, local high school seniors along with staff members from the OSU ... manufacturing to the economy and the opportunity available for highly-skilled workers and careers. Eastern High ... introducing high school students to manufacturers in the Southeastern Ohio Region are being planned throughout ...

  3. Leadership Institute: Effective Coaching and Emotional Intelligence

    higher level leadership positions within organizations.  • Professionals who are facing communication ...

  4. The value of a drop

    By Emily Beal   Digging my dirt-covered sandals into the soil, I tried to gain my balance on the ...

  5. Aquaculture team publishes book, 12 scholarly articles during 2019

    aquaculture team published 12 scholarly articles in 2019 in high impact journals such as Frontier Genetics, ...

  6. DIY Food Gifts Class- Spiced Apple Rings

    Learn how to use a water bath canner to make safe, high-quality homemade food gifts.  Franklin ...

  7. Livestock Exposure Could Help Babies' Immune Systems

    the world have drawn a clear connection between rural life and a decrease in allergies and asthma, ...

  8. Best Boss Ever

    qualities that make a high-performing boss? Why is it important to be a good boss? When you are a great ... boss, your employees look forward to coming to work. Productivity is high, and your employees work ...

  9. SNAP-Ed

    has developed as a partnership between the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services and Ohio State ...

  10. Visit us at the Farm Science Review

    Cooperative Business Model Location: Small Farm Center  Soil, Water, and Bioenergy (Rafiq Islam and Vinayak ... Shedekar) Tuesday-Thursday, September 19-21 Soil Health and Nutrient Stewardship Location: Firebaugh ... building (384 Friday Ave)  Tuesday-Thursday, September 19-21  Soil Quality and Cover Crops Demonstrations ...
