
Search results

  1. Lauren Slutzky to participate in ThinkChicago

    Illinois, ThinkChicago is a collaboration between Mayor Emanuel, CIW, University of Illinois, World Business ...

  2. Midwest Blueberry Production Guide

    Soils, fertilization, and nutritional disorders Blueberry diseases Insect and mite pest management Weed ...

  3. Celebrating Your Impact

    establishment of Youth Beat Radio, a program produced by students from Ohio State, central Ohio high schools and ... Mentors, the Crops & Soils Club and Alpha Sigma Upsilon Sorority. Early this January, she traveled to ... conferences, courses or testing to achieve relevant certifications, or continuing education. ​“It just makes ...

  4. LeJeune working with U.N. to combat antibiotic resistance

    items. The Ohio State team is working on developing new diagnostic tests and surveillance methods and is ... different levels of adopting programs to control antimicrobial use in agriculture, he said. He expects to ...

  5. Top 10 Peace Corps' List: The Ohio State University

    Ethiopia as an education volunteer since June 2015. Doss, of Aurora, Ohio, teaches English to high school ... the entire top 25 rankings for each school size category  here. 40-year high in applications This ... year’s rankings follow a  40-year high  in applications for the Peace Corps in 2015. This record-breaking ...

  6. Bioproducts World 2014 Showcase and Conference

    N High St, Columbus, OH 43215 For more information contact Denny Hall, OBIC Director, at, ...

  7. Water Quality Workshop for Fish Farmers

    range with backgrounds in Aquaculture, Horticulture, Small Business Development, and Soil & ...

  8. iAGRI Project Awarded $4 million in funding from USAID

    international collaborative research between faculty at Ohio State, other U.S. land-grant university partners, ...

  9. Department of Horticulture and Crop Science Welcomes Fulbright Scholar from Uganda

    opportunity to establish and foster long-term partnerships between their respective institutions in an effort ... long-lasting cooperation that has occurred and will continue to occur between Ohio State and Makerere ...

  10. Gireesh Rajashekara makes iAGRI visit to Sokoine University of Agriculture

    collaborations between SUA and Ohio State.    ...
