
Search results

  1. We're Seeking a Research Associate

    for the Agricultural & Food Law Consortium, a collaborative partnership between OSU, the National ...

  2. Pests to watch: Black cutworm, slugs, alfalfa weevil and cereal leaf beetle

    a record flight of black cutworm ( ...

  3. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Needed by 9/30/2017

    required if you apply fertilizer (other than manure) to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown ... primarily for sale, of plants or any parts of plants on more than 50 acres.  If you raise forage (e.g., hay, ...

  4. Pollination Underway in April Planted Corn

    a typical midsummer day, peak pollen shed occurs in the morning between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. followed by ... by the wind. However, most of it settles within 20 to 50 feet.   Pollen shed is not a continuous ...

  5. Insect Pests we’re Watching Now

    common. Mites present in high levels in middle and lower canopy Common choices for spider mite control in ... recommended at level 3.  There are relatively few products available for the treatment of two-spotted spider ...

  6. Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update for Week Ending July 21, 2017

    average number of WBCW per trap decreased from 68.71 last week, to 50.75 this week.     Figure 1. Average ...

  7. Deciphering preplant dicamba labels and tank mixtures

    to adequate levels. With regard to use of dicamba in burndown programs, there are distinctly ... adjusted to account for different product loading. This restriction ensures that enough soil moisture ... exists and time elapses to allow for dissipation of dicamba to levels too low to injure soybeans. There ...

  8. Southwest Ohio Corn College- Wilmington

    This high impact program is designed for producers wanting to be on the “Cutting Edge” of corn ... – A look at Nitrogen, Timing and Needs During Corn Development Decision making with High Resolution Crop ...

  9. Replanting failed corn stands – herbicide considerations

    six days before replanting corn, to avoid risk of herbicide injury.  Gramoxone and glufosinate ...

  10. 2014 Champaign and Union Agronomy Day

    Everything from pre-plant soil samples to grain samples and in between was analyzed during the growing season ...
