
Search results

  1. Carol Smathers

    program coordinator, Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) project based in Ohio 4-H; high school ...

  2. Jim Downs

    Department of Agriculture Forest Pests Commercial Pesticide Applicators Study Guide and License Test; Type II ...

  3. Patricia Brundige is the newest inductee in the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    level provide the youth of today with opportunities to become leaders of the future.” Brundige has also ...

  4. Ohio Agronomy Guide, 16th Edition

    manual are information on Ohio's climate and soil, soil and water management, soil fertility, and ... soil fertility recommendations, double crop sunflower management, wheat and soybean double crop ...

  5. Ohio Agronomy Guide, 16th Edition (PDF)

    programs. Described in this manual is information on Ohio's climate and soil, soil and water ... management, soil fertility, and corn, small grain, and forage crop production and management. Also, seed ... 30-year period, revised soil fertility recommendations, double crop sunflower management, wheat and ...

  6. Corn Sweat and Humidity: A Few Facts Explained

    drought conditions are expanding while corn is shutting down. While humidity levels have been high across ... Every summer, as conditions heat up and humidity levels rise during mid-summer, we hear the phrase ... losses from the soil (evaporation) and water losses from the crop (transpiration). Scientifically, we ...

  7. FCS Professional Development Days-Healthy Finances

    education programs at various levels; these general updates are designed to apply to all staff. The goal is ...

  8. New video series Project Journal debuts

    bare root vs. soil plug plants were tested. What started out as something as simple as “let’s try ...

  9. 4-H STEM programming is on the move with the 4-H Mobile Classroom

    look at seeds up close and tested soil moisture using a soil probe made with Microbits. STEAM on the ... Trumbull 4-H campers at Camp Whitewood also had the opportunity to try different stations on the bus. High ...

  10. Ohio 4-H Conference

    the opportunity to receive training in more than 125 different topics such as career exploration, risk ...
