
Search results

  1. Conference Updates – Registration, Office Closures, and Photo Request

    and state-level Extension offices may close so faculty and staff can attend the conference. It is ...

  2. Microscope Mysteries

    Youth view the hidden worlds a microscope can reveal. This book is designed for intermediate-level ... observation and data recording about matter, pollen, soil, and pond life. This project requires purchase of ...

  3. Carol Smathers

    Health; program coordinator, Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) project based in Ohio 4-H; high ...

  4. Extension Town Halls with Dean Kress and David Civittolo

    you're welcome to attend another session. Each session will be capped at 150 participants to allow for ...

  5. Spring Garden Preparation is Important

    for your seed early. Test your soil for existing and needed fertilizer. Getting test results from ... available on  Ohioline  that can help you with spring garden and proper soil preparation! Soil Testing for ... Role of Soil Bacteria Finding a soil test facility near you… Soil tests are available for gardens, home ...

  6. Preparing for the fall in a season of drought

    right level. To ensure there is no dry material concentration to catch on fire. mow once high to get it ... to your annual pumpkin picking, be mindful that all across Ohio we are experiencing varying levels of ... minimize the fire risk, which can lead to loss of personal property. Maintenance When parking on grass, ...

  7. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Handbook

    century, climate and weather, geology, water resources, birds, plants and soils, forests, insects, ...

  8. Frequently Asked Questions

    need information on getting my soil tested! Most OSU Extension offices offer soil testing kits for ... sale, or can direct you where to obtain one. The soil and tissue testing labs will assist you in ... interpreting the results. Here is more information on soil testing for Ohio lawns, landscapes, fruit crops, and ...

  9. Greg LaBarge

    and Natural Resources Extension educator; county Extension director Specialization/Focus Area Soils ... , and soil fertility, insect/disease management, corn, soybean, and wheat production, precision ... agriculture and on farm research Plan of Action Conduct applied research on nutrient management, soil ...

  10. Note from David Civittolo

    While many programs and workshops are winding down for the year, this is an extraordinarily busy time of year for others. It’s Income Tax School time for the Farm Office team, and many of you are working out details for winter conferences, pesticide recer ...
