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  1. Ohio State and Rutgers to Lead Household Food Waste Education Effort

    effort to conduct and evaluate a pilot consumer campaign to test educational messages and materials ...

  2. New video series Project Journal debuts

    system. Two different plant medias, coconut fiber and clay pebbles, as well as bare root vs. soil plug ... plants were tested. What started out as something as simple as “let’s try something different,” has ...

  3. Food Safety Fact Sheets

    contamination,  tool sanitation,  drip irrigation,  trickle irrigation,  animal compost,  soil amendments,  ...

  4. It’s high season for Ohio’s noxious weeds laws

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  5. Foundational Leadership Certificate

    cohort. Register High performing leaders are essential to the success of an organization. A high ... develop the skills needed to be a high performing leader through gaining the Foundational Leadership ... a personalized and effective experience.  The Concept We believe that the path to be a high performing leader ...

  6. Mario Javier Miranda

    Preparation    Bangwan, Sureewan & Mario J. Miranda. “Catastrophic Risk, Weather Index Insurance and ... & Mario J. Miranda. “Systemic Risk, Index Insurance and the Sustainability of Joint Liability Group ... J. Miranda. “Covariate Risk, Index Insurance, and the Sustainability of Informal Risk Sharing ...

  7. Decision Aids

    revenue falls below a guaranteed level, while PLC payments are made when a crops specific effective price ... and wheat $5.50.  Unless we experience significant reductions in yield and/or price, it is unlikely ... to compare actual prices, yields and gross income to base prices, yields and gross revenue. The difference between the base ...

  8. Ag business owners learn about sources of capital at Money to Grow

    between these growing businesses and lenders and grantors who have programs focused on food and ...

  9. Friend of 4-H/4-H Alumni Awards

    program, either financially or philanthropically, at the local, county, district, state, or national level ... National Bank Ripley National Bank Bank of Russellville First National Bank of Sardinia Brown County Soil ...

  10. Project Completion & Requirements

    The Project Completion and Fair Requirements lists 4-H projects number and name, skill level ... and project completion.  * Project skill level indicates the project’s intended audience.  ... B = Beginning level—for members with little or no experience in a project area, or 8 to 10 year olds; ...
