
Search results

  1. How Coronovirus Impacts the Safety of Fresh Produce

    ones, and your consumers that may be at risk from the severe form of COVID-19. The Centers for Disease ...

  2. Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course

    course will cover basic produce safety; worker health, hygiene, and training; soil amendments; wildlife, ... farm; how to identify microbial risks, practices that reduce risks; how to begin implementing produce ...

  3. Quality Assurance Test-Out


  4. OCVN Franklin County 2022

    modules.  The session topics include Ohio’s birds, geology, soils, forests, mammals, water resources, ... 5:30—8:00 PM (Soils) OSU Extension Office, Franklin County; 12/7/2022 Wed 5:30—8:00 PM (Climate Change) OSU ...

  5. Quality Assurance Test Out Date

    categories for the test (12-14) and (15-18). There are 50 multiple choice questions in each age category and ... Assurance Test Out Date Test Out Date:            Monday, January 26, 2021 Test Time:                   6:30 ... the 2021 county fair. Your animal species will determine if you take the Small Animal test or the ...

  6. Emily Masters

    county, state, and national levels.  Emily graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in ...

  7. Meet Our Team Members: Dr. Sanja Ilic

    of produce growers including small and medium farmers, plain growers, hydroponic, urban, and minimal ... foods have cooking steps as a measure to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses, fresh produce is ...

  8. OSU High Tunnel Workshop, OSU South Centers

    importance of developing a water testing program on the produce farm. All attendees will receive a 50 ... Quality and Testing Workshop to help fruit and vegetable growers better understand water quality and the ... Lab representative will be available to give a hands-on testing demonstration and to answer testing ...

  9. 3-Hr Good Agricultural Practices training: Wayne County

    Good Agricultural Practices are best practices put in place to reduce the risk of foodborne ... contamination on produce at the farm level.  These practices are options to REDUCE but can never ELIMINATE all ... the risks of contamination. The Good Agricultural Practices Training covers: Water Quality Biological ...

  10. The Ecology of Vernal Pools: Hidden Treasures in Your Backyard, Part 1

    have mucky soils, are very high in macroinvertebrate biodiversity due to a lack of fish, and are ... wetlands. As the water level falls in summer some aquatic species will move to nearby pools where water is ...
