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  1. New Study Will Track Ways to Cut Runoff from Elevated Phosphorus Fields

    phosphorus field requires soil test results, and those aren’t public information; they’re often kept only ... than their crops can use. Called “elevated phosphorus fields,” such fields may be at higher risk of ... hopes to learn about those fields and lower that risk by creating new public-private partnerships. Led ...

  2. Dig into soil health at Feb. 14 workshop

    on how to test your soil. “Soil testing provides a window into the soil, revealing if a plant is ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences  (CFAES). The workshop, called “Digging Into Soil Health: What Tests ... CFAES’  Soil Balancing Research Team, who plan to share details on testing the soil and on ways to improve ...

  3. Soil health at risk on fallow fields

    risks to next year’s crops, soil experts from The Ohio State University warn. If wind or rain carry away ... fallow this year if a soil test indicates the soil is low in phosphorus, he said. Across Ohio, 1.5 ... a soil fertility specialist with Ohio State University Extension, the outreach arm of Ohio State’s College of Food, ...

  4. Master Gardener Volunteers

    information about state-level Master Gardener Volunteer programs and activities is available at ... an eight-week class, and complete 50 hours of volunteer activity. ...

  5. Farm Science Review 2018: Plenty of Sunshine, a Larger Exhibit Area and Lots of Corn Hats

    108,074 visitors, who came to admire new machinery and learn about techniques and trends, test ... Environmental Sciences (CFAES). While farm income nationwide is projected to dip, plunging 50 percent in 2018 ... compared to the 2013 level, and soybean tariffs are squeezing out markets, there are always new tractors, ...

  6. Rainy days lead to muddy, thinner cows

    say, a high of 50 degrees to a high of 20 degrees put further stress on a cow’s body to adjust to the ... enough weight are at risk of having weak or stillborn calves and of not being able to produce enough milk ... hay tested for nutrients to see what, if anything, is lacking in it. Even if hay has all the necessary ...

  7. 2018 Zanesville OSU Income Tax School

    For over 50 years, OSU Extension has been providing continuing education for tax preparers. Our ... state tax returns. The classes are considered to be intermediate level and instruction will focus on the ... returns. Highly qualified instructors will explain and interpret tax regulations and recent changes. We ...

  8. 2018 Columbus OSU Income Tax School

    For over 50 years, OSU Extension has been providing continuing education for tax preparers. Our ... state tax returns. The classes are considered to be intermediate level and instruction will focus on the ... returns. Highly qualified instructors will explain and interpret tax regulations and recent changes. We ...

  9. 2018 Plain City OSU Income Tax School

    For over 50 years, OSU Extension has been providing continuing education for tax preparers. Our ... state tax returns. The classes are considered to be intermediate level and instruction will focus on the ... returns. Highly qualified instructors will explain and interpret tax regulations and recent changes. We ...

  10. 2018 Chillicothe OSU Income Tax School

    For over 50 years, OSU Extension has been providing continuing education for tax preparers. Our ... state tax returns. The classes are considered to be intermediate level and instruction will focus on the ... returns. Highly qualified instructors will explain and interpret tax regulations and recent changes. We ...
