
Search results

  1. Snowtubing TOMORROW

    space on the slopes, only the first 50 students from each campus will be able to attend. We will create ...

  2. Vinton County 4-H educator honored with Excellence in 4-H Award

    Retreat each year, coordinates a student-led peer prevention program at the high school and middle school ... levels, and works with the county workforce development initiative to organize and facilitate a 9-week ... with his involvement at the state and national level,” said a fellow 4-H professional. “Travis is ...

  3. SENR Announcements, January 24

    Virtual Event Series-  Comparisons of soil health tests and what they are telling us? >> *Faculty ... Lorenz, K., Omondi, E., Lal, R., Das, S., & Smith, A. (2025). Soil organic carbon and total ... Systems Trial. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 89, e70000. ...

  4. Box Tree Moth: What Should You Do?

    a high BTM population density. However, the selection and production of BTM-resistant boxwoods are in the ...

  5. NSLC Vet Med Summer Job

    Virginia Tech this summer. The NSLC offers pre-college summer programs for high school students facilitated ... interest. To apply to be a Team Advisor (TA) for high school students, see attached. The file also has more ...

  6. Brozovich featured on Now at Ohio State podcast

    experiments that help test how 3D printed substrates will work in microgravity.   Listen to the Now at Ohio ...

  7. Senior Spotlight: Q & A with Zane Robison

    Recently I have also started attending the Crops and Soils Club. Have you worked on any projects, research, ...

  8. Ohio State University Spring Career Fair

    attendance. Attending employers seek to fill full-time entry-level positions as well as summer internships. ...

  9. Managing Talent for Success: Today and Tomorrow

    mind? You might think of flexibility, creativity, and a willingness to take risks. Innovators fill their ... These CEOs came primarily from Corn Belt and High Plains states, with some from the Mid-South and South. ... At some level, this suggests that the CEOs responding to the survey are managing for today and are ...

  10. Certified Livestock Manger- Pre-sidedress Nitrate testing and P&K recommendations

