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nature, creating bridges between engineering, biology, and agriculture, to revolutionize alternative ...
Ohio youth compete in the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships
(Allen County) placed fifth in the 50-Yard Bullseye for Muzzleloading competition and Aaron Johnson ...
ASM 5580.Dr. Sami Khanal
202 ASM 5580.Dr. Sami Khanal (Wed. Aug 21 class will be in room 245) Mondays between 4- 5:10 ... pm(room 245) and Wednesday between 10 am- 1 pm(room 202) this semester LJ Repeats every week every ...
Summer 2024 Highlights
Excellence Program Accelerator Grants. The project is looking at “Diet-related risk factors for postoperative ... recently published a paper titled “Impact of thermal, high-pressure and ultra-shear pasteurisation ...
Fake Meeting
200 (Wooster) Casey's fake meeting (testing website) Wednesday, August 7, 2024- 9:30am to ...
Taylor Fulton
Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data 150 Agricultural ...
Try These Simple Forms of Summer Sun Protection
such as Vitamin D, overexposure can lead to health risks to the skin and eyes, such as sunburn, skin ... and where the sun’s rays are the strongest. This means that UV levels will be highest around noon on ... a clear sunny day, even more so during the summer months. UV levels will also be highest near surfaces ...
Try These Simple Forms of Summer Sun Protection
such as Vitamin D, overexposure can lead to health risks to the skin and eyes, such as sunburn, skin ... and where the sun’s rays are the strongest. This means that UV levels will be highest around noon on ... a clear sunny day, even more so during the summer months. UV levels will also be highest near surfaces ...
Cross and Drewry investigate machine learning for soil heat flux in newly published article
a publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of computational ecology, data science, ... biogeography, and ecosystem analysis. The article, titled "Ensemble machine learning for interpretable soil ... heat flux estimation" focuses on accurately estimating soil heat flux (SHF), crucial for ...
Livestock Can't Take The Heat- Ways To Cool Them Down
index (THI) is a chart that was created to factor in the temperature and humidity to create thresholds ... 'alert' zone of 75 on the THI chart. A thermal heat index of 84 is the 'emergency' zone where ... extreme caution needs to be taken for our livestock. The emergency level can be reached at a temperature ...