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Nominations Due for Lee Johnston Award
Nominations are due for the Lee Johnston Award. The Lee Johnston Award is presented to undergraduate students who demonstrate outstanding student leadership and involvement in the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Faculty, staff, students, a ...
Two New Editions of "Your Pond Update" Released
Two new editions of "Your Pond Update", written by Eugene Braig, (Aquatic Ecosystems Program Director) were released to the Ponds, Fisheries, and Aquatic Management page- one for Autumn 2017 and one for Winter 2018. ...
Free Wilds Science Symposium
Keynote Speaker: Nicole Cavender- Vice President of Science and Conservation at The Morton Arboretum; previous Director of Restoration Ecology. TOPICS: Grassland Birds, Pollinators, Praries, Salamanders, eDNA RSVP to by March 20th ...
Meeting for Soil Judging Team
OFWMA Webinar Series
observations from 2006-2011. Additionally, highly trained field staff conducted nearly 15,000 abundance ...
River ecosystems show ‘incredible’ initial recovery after dam removal
level of marine-derived nutrient intake. The research team watched for multiple attempts to breed and ...
TWEL Marjorie Liberati Thesis
population declines in the Midwest. Early successional woody habitat was highly selected at multiple spatial ...
Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series
characteristically high rates of mortality from predation and severe weather events. The American landscape ...
SENR FALL HIKE: Christmas Rocks Nature Reserve Trip
ALL SENR Students, Faculty, and Staff are invited to attend! This event is free. We will be providing bus transportation to Christmas Rocks and providing delicious snacks during our hike! Lauren Metcalf, from ODNR will be leading this hike and sharing in ...
Welcome to our New 4-H Families!
more likely to exercise and be physically active * Report better grades and higher levels of academic ...