
Search results

  1. Women's Retreat

    schedule before the retreat (which is highly recommended), you can send her an email at ...

  2. Cover Crops for Prevented Acres

    soil degradation and to increase soil productivity for next year. Cover crops are an excellent option ... for producers to consider for protecting their soil and increasing productive capacity for succeeding ... to leaving the soil bare and fallow, and then it provides guidance on selecting and seeding cover ...

  3. Acceleron® Challenge – I lost

    Pythium spp. that are highly insensitive to metalaxyl/mefenoxam (more on this later) and; 2.       ... stand between the two varieties that were used in this study nor in the seed treatments.  For all three ... 3 field sites with very high, moderate, and low disease pressure for the 2-weeks after planting, we did ...

  4. Agronomic Field Day June 21 at OARDC Northwest Ag Research Station

    No-Till on Soil Health and Properties – Steve Culman, School of Environment and Natural Resources ...

  5. Soybean Cyst Nematode – SCN Coalition Update

    Soybean Association were provided soil sampling bags and a challenge.  They were to sample the best ...

  6. Southwest Ohio Corn College- Wilmington

    This high impact program is designed for producers wanting to be on the “Cutting Edge” of corn ... – A look at Nitrogen, Timing and Needs During Corn Development Decision making with High Resolution Crop ...

  7. Pollination Underway in April Planted Corn

    a typical midsummer day, peak pollen shed occurs in the morning between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. followed by ... by the wind. However, most of it settles within 20 to 50 feet.   Pollen shed is not a continuous ...

  8. Zero tolerance required for prevention of Palmer amaranth problems

    introduction of seed, evidently to allow determination of the “worst case scenario”.  So here’s what happened.  ...

  9. West Central Ohio Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology

    sponsoring lunch. We are currently looking for one breakfast sponsor ($250) and exhibitors ($150) to support ...

  10. Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update for Week Ending July 21, 2017

    average number of WBCW per trap decreased from 68.71 last week, to 50.75 this week.     Figure 1. Average ...
