
Search results

  1. Extension landing page

    Corn Performance Test Sampled for Nematodes (P. Thomison) > Extension News Nematodes in Corn Could ... to Managing Disease, Achieving High Yield (A. Dorrance) > Extension News Soybean Disease ID ... available online: > Gibberella Ear Rot and Mytotoxins in Corn: Sampling, Testing and Storage  (pdf) The ...

  2. 2009 Award Winners

    Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high ...

  3. 2010 Award Winners

    Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high ...

  4. 2008 Award Winners

    Volunteer Conference in March. Below is a list of the awards, with a link to a zipped file containing high ...

  5. Global Climate Change Policy: Extractive Industry Impacts and Response

    regional levels, often in collaboration with the larger business community and environmental NGOs, is based ...

  6. Ohio Turfgrass Foundation 2015 Conference and The Ohio State University Green Industry Short Course

    the high-tech — like robotic mowing of golf greens and using drones in managing sports fields — to the ...

  7. Communiqué July 31, 2013

    Ohio on better methods to apply livestock manure to farm fields. Manure application is a highly visible ... rotation. Data from the Ohio Tributary Loading Program has identified increasing levels of dissolved ... logo and show the tie between the college and units, programs, departments and mission areas. The new ...

  8. Conflict over Cooperation: Why So Much Disagreement over the Proposed Dairy Market Stabilization Program?

    prices when feed costs experience an adverse shock. Volatile and high feed costs are likely to be the ...

  9. Donations

    must obviously be stallions or mares, and they must be of high enough quality to replace an animal that ...

  10. October is Pork Month

    high had to have a ring in its nose. On Manhattan Island, a long solid wall was constructed on the ...
