
Search results

  1. Music to Soothe the Sows

    CFAES students do some amazing things during their time at college.  Read about one such student.  ...

  2. Student Farm Provides Bounty of Opportunities

    A farm is a great teacher for students from all kinds of disciplines. ...

  3. The Path of a Food Scientist

    Recent grad Anna Schmenk shares what set her on the path of becoming a food scientist and how her time in the Food Science and Technology department at CFAES provided the knowledge and experience she needed to launch her career.  ...

  4. Living Laboratory for Students and the Community

    Imagine a 640-acre classroom with gorgeous natural light and a lifetime's worth of lessons.  ...

  5. For the Birds

    a day. You think a cow can sort? Just watch a bird eat all your high-priced grains and supplements. It ...

  6. We Want to Hear from You!

    Tell us about your most eye-opening class.  Was it a hands-on experience or a subject matter that was brand new to you?  ...

  7. June 2018


  8. Scholarship Donors Offer Students the Opportunity to Study Sustainability on Andros Island

    help her to further understand the interaction between culture and the environment. “I became an EEDS ...

  9. Why Americans Waste So Much Food

    “They perceive there are practical benefits, such as a reduced risk of foodborne illness, but at the ...

  10. New Buckeyes, New City- Detroit, Michigan

    Join fellow Buckeyes for an exciting welcome celebration like no other.  New Buckeyes, New City  is the perfect opportunity for recent graduates to form connections with established alumni and learn more about their new city and learn more about how you c ...
