
Search results

  1. The Academy of Teaching Annual Conference: Creating Inclusive Connections

    12th Annual Conference on Excellence in Teaching & Learning Creating Inclusive Connections May 3, 2018 4-H Center, The Ohio State University Several from SENR are presenting: Kylienne Shaul, Kimberly Winslow and Ella Weaver will present, "The Vir ...

  2. CURA Speaker Series: William Hunt

    CURA Speaker Series: William Hunt-- Tuesday, April 17, 2018- 3:00pm to 4:00pm Derby Hall 1080 | 154 N Oval Mall, Columbus OH William Hunt, William Neal Reynolds Distinguished University Professor, Department of Biological and ...

  3. Managing Wildlife Conflict Around Your Home-Ohio Woodlands Stewards

    While the growth of cities and suburban areas can displace some wildlife, many species actually thrive in these areas. Viewing these species as they travel through your backyard can be enjoyable, but sometimes conflict arises—usually in the form of eaten ...

  4. LEED Green Associate Training

    LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is simply a sustainablity scorecard for green buildings. The LEED Green associate is the only professional designation to show employers and clients you have certified knowledge in the field. To date, t ...

  5. Doctoral Scholarly Seminar- Ashley Wurth

    Ashley Wurth- Personalities and Behavioral Syndromes: Animal Behavior and the Role of the Environment and Genetics ...

  6. In Process Volunteers

    16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Year Comments CAPTCHA This question is for testing ...

  7. For Students at Ohio State Wetland, New Meaning to Swamped by Classes

    said. “Teaching science, to me, is all about making connections between theories, concepts and ...

  8. Astabula County Survey

    Your Last Name CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to ...

  9. Career & Job Placement

    insert info about career and job placement ...

  10. 2018 Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop

    This year's workshop will be at the Oasis Conference Center in Loveland, Ohio.  Speakers from all three states will offer information packed sessions for interested landowners. Talks for the day include: New Herbicides for the Management of Nuisance ...
