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(Speaker Series) Contemporary Differences in U.S. Farm Financial Performance by Race: Does Farm Size Matter?
published in high-impact, applied economic and interdisciplinary journals such as The American Journal of ...
Ever-Evolving Aspects of Cannabis Production
recreational status. Even though marijuana continues to be illegal at the federal level due to its high ... concentration goes beyond 0.3%. For obvious reasons, high tunnel and greenhouse operations face lower ... overall success of any cannabis production effort. Hemp programs overseen by state-level agencies also ...
99 years of science and learning on Ohio’s Gibraltar
of other water quality testing on the lake. A tour of the South Bass Island Research Facility, ... trawl, plankton tow, and a demonstration of other water quality testing on the lake. A tour of the South ...
Using Cover Crops to Convert to No-till
years, the soil is converting and storing more nitrogen as microbe numbers and soil organic matter levels ... has decreased soil organic levels by 60 to 70 percent with 30 to 40 percent soil organic carbon stocks ... the following crop. Legume cover crops fix nitrogen from the air, adding up to 50 to 150 pounds per ...
Low-Cost Crop-Management Considerations
and potassium. A soil test will measure pH and, if necessary, provide a recommendation for the amount ... Roundup Ready varieties by 50 percent. Select varieties with good tolerance and/or high disease ... fewer well-managed acres would be greater than a larger acreage that is poorly managed. Evaluate soils ...
Measuring Standing Trees
an estimate of the board-foot content of a tree based on tree-trunk diameter breast high and ... Number of 16-Foot Logs 1/2 1 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 Board Feet 12 20 30 40 50 60 14 30 50 70 80 90 ... 60 80 100 120 14 40 80 110 140 160 180 16 60 100 150 180 210 250 280 310 18 70 140 190 240 ...
Spraying Recommendations for Soybean Rust
weeks. There are no soybean varieties currently available that have high levels of resistance to soybean ... rust fungicide applications, presents a high degree of risk for drift. The reason we can still ... proper overlap while a boom set too high causes overdosed areas. Check the nozzle catalog to determine ...
Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: Linking Measured Values to Crop Management
often significant and immediate impacts on vegetable °Brix levels. In contrast, soil and crop nutrient ... timing or soil moisture levels also affect °Brix but in ways that may complicate management decisions. ... Production factors such as temperature and light levels and soil moisture and fertility status influence crop ...
Ripe Rot of Grape
rot (see PLPATH-FRU-50 Sour Rot Disorder of Grape). Rain spreads spores to other berries and clusters. ... Neptune, Sauvignon blanc, Seyval Highly susceptible Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Carlos, Flame ... conditions favor disease development close to harvest (i.e., warm, wet, high humidity), additional fungicide ...
Oak Wilt
neighbors, or whenever a high risk of infection exists. High value may be attributed to individual trees or ... infections, thus closing the overland cycle. While insect spread is an important medium to long-range ... dispersal mechanism for this fungus, it is estimated that 90 percent of new infections occur between ...