
Search results

  1. Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: Linking Measured Values to Crop Management

    often significant and immediate impacts on vegetable °Brix levels. In contrast, soil and crop nutrient ... timing or soil moisture levels also affect °Brix but in ways that may complicate management decisions. ... Production factors such as temperature and light levels and soil moisture and fertility status influence crop ...

  2. Ripe Rot of Grape

    rot (see PLPATH-FRU-50 Sour Rot Disorder of Grape). Rain spreads spores to other berries and clusters. ... Neptune, Sauvignon blanc, Seyval Highly susceptible Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Carlos, Flame ... conditions favor disease development close to harvest (i.e., warm, wet, high humidity), additional fungicide ...

  3. Lindsay Naumann- Montoya

    State University, Crop and Soil Science MS, 2024, The Ohio State University, Agricultural Communication, ...

  4. Berseem Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    average): June 10–Aug. 16 Upright growth habit: 16–20 inches Preferred soil pH: 6.2–7.0 Table 1. Rating the ... Performance Dry matter = 1,200–3,000 lb. per acre, per year. Biomass quantity is highly dependent ... on planting/termination dates and precipitation. Total nitrogen = 70–150 lb. of N per acre (not ...

  5. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2012-13

    Value—Projected 2013—Improved, Non-Rotation $3,636 $1,514 $5,150 $2,121 *Range—One standard deviation above and ... 3.50% Pasture Cash Rent—Projected 2013—Improved, Non-Rotation $71 $32 $103 $38 Pasture Land ... (bu/a) 50.4 4.1 54.4 46.3 Market Value per Acre 2012 $6,680 $1,745 $8,425 $4,935 2013 $7,170 $1,897 ...

  6. Spraying Recommendations for Soybean Rust

    weeks. There are no soybean varieties currently available that have high levels of resistance to soybean ... rust fungicide applications, presents a high degree of risk for drift. The reason we can still ... proper overlap while a boom set too high causes overdosed areas. Check the nozzle catalog to determine ...

  7. Strategies to Minimize Spray Drift for Effective Spraying in Orchards and Vineyards

    without air-assistance, nozzles producing very fine or fine droplets have a high-risk of producing drift ... however, poses a relatively low risk of injury to nearby sensitive crops compared to the physical movement ... publication (FABE-525) “ Effect of Major Variables on Drift Distances of Spray Droplets.” The risk of drift is ...

  8. Fannin Recognized as CFAES Outstanding Undergraduate Student Employee

    Extension by providing high quality service through paid work experiences. Fannin was recognized for her ...

  9. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2011-12

    according to survey results. Cash rent for "poor" cropland is expected to average $150 per acre in ... $150 $30 $180 $120 5-Year Projected Percent Change in Cash Rent 6.90% 12.61% 19.51%-5.72% 5-Year ... Rent per Acre 2011 $122 $20 $142 $101 2012 $131 $19 $150 $112 5-Year Projected Percent Change in Cash ...

  10. Oak Wilt

    neighbors, or whenever a high risk of infection exists. High value may be attributed to individual trees or ... infections, thus closing the overland cycle. While insect spread is an important medium to long-range ... dispersal mechanism for this fungus, it is estimated that 90 percent of new infections occur between ...
