
Search results

  1. What does your family emergency plan look like?

    weather emergency?  Why would you want to risk your kid’s uncertainty if there is a severe weather ... make you thirsty. Choose salt-free crackers, whole grain cereals and canned foods with high liquid ... butter Dried fruit Nuts Crackers Canned juices Non-perishable pasteurized milk High energy foods Vitamins ...

  2. Winter Malting Barley Trial Results Available

    respectively. Overall, there was a poor relationship between seeding rate and grain yield. However, the ...

  3. Northwest Ohio Corn & Soybean Day to be held in Archbold – January 19th

    registrations and at the door registrations are $50, space permitting. Registration includes coffee/rolls, ...

  4. Northern Ohio Crops Day

    soybean disease management by Anne Dorrance, soil fertility, nitrogen use in on-farm research trials, and ...

  5. Corn Pollination Underway in Early Planted Fields

    a typical midsummer day, peak pollen shed occurs in the morning between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. followed by ... by the wind. However, most of it settles within 20 to 50 feet.   Pollen shed is not a continuous ...

  6. Fall Weather Forecast

    a burst of warmer weather this weekend. Risk for the rest of September Temperature- below normal Rainfall- ...

  7. Home Horticulture Series

    "Fresh From Your Family Farm" Edible Gardening presented by Pat Greeson, Natorps Soil ...

  8. 2014 Manure Science Review

    unit; cover crops’ benefits to soils; calibration of solid manure spreaders; effects of manure ... education hours; Certified Crop Adviser, 3.0 Soil and Water Management continuing education units and 2.5 ... collaborators include OSU Extension, the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Ohio Federation of Soil and Water ...

  9. Bacterial Leaf Streak: Another New Corn Disease out West, but not yet in Ohio

    of GLS. But one of the biggest differences between lesions of BLS and those of GLS is that BLS ... such as how and when it infects the corn plant, how it spreads within and between fields, whether or ...

  10. More on Fall Herbicides with Regard to the Enlist System

    us about 50% there (maybe).  There is a bigger issue of how technologies are rotated over a period of ... these, so the risk of resistance is not mitigated unless a more comprehensive approach is used.  Bottom ...
