
Search results

  1. G. Kaletunc

    219   I need Room 219 to be reserved on Wednesday February 1st between 12:30-1:30pm   Thanks. ...

  2. Sustainable Management of Chernozems-- Soils of Moldova

    Earth: Ecological Principles for Sustainable Agriculture on Chernozem Soils,” who will be presenting on ... the sustainable management of Chernozem soils. Since 1985, Prof. Boincean has been a researcher at the ... rotations, monoculture, soil fertilization, irrigation and tillage. Since 2003, he has been the chair of ...

  3. Safer, Cleaner Soil and Water... and saving big money in the process

    "The soil is the great connector of our lives," author Wendell Berry once said. SENR ... professor, Nick Basta, has developed a low-cost way to treat the lead that contaminates soil in our cities. ... Lead in soil can make kids sick and makes the land unfit for gardens. His method is just a quarter the ...

  4. June 2018 Highlights

    $50.00. If you have already registered and just want to purchase a reception ticket only, you can purchase ...

  5. GAPs 3-Hour Training: Washington County

    reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination and includes the following topics: •Food Safety ...

  6. GAPs 3-Hour Training: Athens County

    reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination and includes the following topics: •Food Safety ...

  7. Experimental and field evaluation of otolith strontium as a marker to discriminate between river-spawning populations of walleye in Lake Erie

    a marker to discriminate between river-spawning populations of walleye in Lake Erie. Canadian Journal of ...

  8. Advanced BioSystems Workshop Shows Path Ahead for Bioproducts

    highlighted how the partnerships between growers, industry, and researchers are driving bio-based materials ...

  9. Dr. Moore Joins OSU's Office of Energy and Environment

    themes as they relate to the environmental sciences, and he will strengthen connections between Ohio ... around key environmental issues, and promote the seamless collaboration between the Office of Energy and ...

  10. Alexander Heeren's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    problems. However, environmental social science indicates that the link between knowledge, scientific ... Partisanship and discord may still be challenges to solving environmental issues even among highly ...
