
Search results

  1. ATI student selected as AmericanHort HortScholar

    wasn’t until after I graduated high school and started a summer job at a local greenhouse that I found my ...

  2. Begin Scouting for Alfalfa Weevil

    above that GDD level now in our area and this week OSU Extension entomologists Andy Michel and Kelley ... less in height indicates a need for rescue treatment. When alfalfa is between 12 and 16 inches in ...

  3. Standing Can Better Your Health

    risk of disease.  Sitting for prolonged periods can compromise metabolic health.  The 2010 American ... were independent of physical activity levels, meaning that the effects of sitting were just as strong ...

  4. Weed Control Before Wheat Planting

    control.  Dicamba labels have the following restriction on preplant applications – “allow 10 days between ... of 2,4-D prior to or at the time wheat planting.  There is some risk of stand reduction and injury to ...

  5. Now Is The Time to State New 4-H Clubs

    have a great experience in 4-H in a large club, it is nice to have smaller to medium size clubs as ...

  6. Test email

    Heading:  This is your first email   Intro text:  This is just an example email. You can delete this whenever you feel like it. Button context:  Go to CFAES " style="text-align: center; text-decoration: none;"> CFAES Homepage Gray bar, w ...

  7. Grant Writing: An Introduction Livestream Event

    will address some of the similarities and differences between the funding processes for federal/state ...

  8. January 2016 Highlights

    called High Pressure Processing of Food: Principles, Technology and Applications with Gustavo V. ... chapters grouped into seven relevant sections, the new book summarizes various aspects of high ... regulations to application of high pressure in food pasteurization, sterilization, extraction, homogenization, ...

  9. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce online

    promoted to supervisory leadership positions.  This generation of highly educated 20-30 somethings tend to ...

  10. CSM Competition Teams

    from other colleges and universities in order to compete in projects that test their project management ...
