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  1. How One Ohio County Responded to Shale Development

    little control in regulating that development. That authority lies at the state level. And there’s bound ...

  2. TWEL Dissertation Graziano

    maintaining diverse amphibian communities, and (4) to establish a landscape-level study design for conducting ... model-based analyses performed at the community level consistently found that the tree community is ...

  3. Tri-State Workshop Can Help You Get Into Your Woods

    March 17 and $55 between March 18 and the final registration deadline of March 24. The complete schedule ...

  4. Graduate Exit Seminar

    Effects of Dietary Level of Indispensable Amino Acids and Feeding Strategies on Growth and Biochemical ... requirement in that animal. This study addressed the effect of dietary level of limiting IDAA in relation to ...

  5. Community, Environment & Development

    and customized community-level data generating services for communities interested in understanding ...

  6. 4-H: Preparing Youth for a Brighter Future

    program, I highly invite you to continue reading this article about a program that has a long history that ... motivation and aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels ...

  7. Ohio State Researchers: Milk Date Labels Contribute to Food Waste

    manufacturers,” Roe said. “There’s a difference between quality and safety. “Pasteurized milk is safe past the ...

  8. HireOhio Career Fair

    Standard admission Archie Griffin Grand Ballroom Ohio Union, 2nd Floor
1739 North High Street
Columbus, OH ...

  9. Pranay Ranjan's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    The data has been collected using pre and post-test survey methodology. Results are more broadly ...

  10. 4-H Horse Bowl/ Hippology/ Judging Clinic

    individuals only, NO TEAMS. All levels of experience are welcome.   Primary Contact: Dr. Kimberly Cole Animal ...
