
Search results

  1. Little Miami Watershed Network

    the Little Miami River, a state and national scenic river, and the high quality of life it provides ...

  2. Mental Models

    for education programs. Deborah Hersha (OSU) summarizes gaps in high-school students' ...

  3. National 4-H Week / October 5 – 11, 2014

    Recently I attended a program where three high school 4-H members shared with an audience of about ... in search of great things for their kids to be involved with.  I would highly encourage parents to ... motivation and aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels ...

  4. Jill Byers returns to Ohio State ATI

    A familiar face to anyone who was at Ohio State ATI between 1994 and 2006 has returned. Jill ... attended 31 college fairs and visited 51 high schools and 33 Extension offices. She is also involved in the ...

  5. New Equipment Testing

    219 Thursday, September 12, 2019- 9:00am to 10:00am ...

  6. Extension Reconsidered Luncheon

    Extension Reconsidered-- We Need Your Opinions! We need people between the ages of 14-30 to share ...

  7. Lauren Slutzky to participate in ThinkChicago

    Illinois, ThinkChicago is a collaboration between Mayor Emanuel, CIW, University of Illinois, World Business ...

  8. Ohio Ag Law Blog--Risk Management Agency moves date for harvesting cover crops on Prevented Planting acres

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  9. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    aquaculture with hydroponics to grow fish and vegetables without soil. It offers an affordable and sustainable ...

  10. Ohio Ag Law Blog--Farms, recreational activities and legal risk

    Blog Subscriptions ...
