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  1. Four FABE Students named 2019 CFAES Distinguished Seniors

    evaluating production practices, soil and tissue sampling, and aerial imagery all have intrigued me to do ... team, where he specializes on the high bar and has been named a Big Ten Champion and Varsity “O” member. ...

  2. Optimal sequestration of carbon dioxide and phosphorus in soils by gypsum amendment

    phosphorus in soils by gypsum amendment. Environmental Chemistry Letters 14(4):443-338. Rattan Lal Journal ...

  3. Kristie Stein's Graduate Exit Seminar

    migratory routes, but strategies varied between individuals. Additionally, the nonbreeding distribution is ...

  4. Sarah Jane Rose's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    from tidal zones to high elevation alpine ecosystems. As one of the most numerous and higher-level ...

  5. A. Tamkin

    219 Hey Jim, can I reserve 219 for Wed, between 11-1? Thanks,  Abby --  Wednesday, July 27, 2016- ...

  6. April 15, 2020 Ohio State’s Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

    The first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, was a tipping point in the attention paid to our global environment and a precursor to many critical environmental advances since that time. This program looks back at the challenges faced in 1970, to evaluate where we ...

  7. G. Kaletunc

    219 Hi Jim,   I have an Academic Affairs meeting scheduled for Nov 4 between 1:30-2:30 pm. Could ...

  8. Identification of metabolically active rhizosphere microorganisms by stable isotopic probing of PLFA in switchgrass

    rhizosphere microorganisms by stable isotopic probing of PLFA in switchgrass. Communications in Soil Science ...

  9. EPN Breakfast – February 18, 2020. Hope is the thing with feathers: A soaring journey with Jason Ward

    a recreational activity. Depending on the level of commitment or intensity of watching birds, you’ll likely ...

  10. Maritza Pierre

    Maritza Pierre ENR Graduate Student 247 Kottman Hall Maritza is a doctoral student studying Rural Sociology and co-advised by Doug Jackson-Smith and Shoshanah Inwood.- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy br ...
