
Search results

  1. Students Represent Ohio State at National Dairy Judging Competitions

    extremely high scoring contest, the OSU team placed 14th overall out of 21 teams. The team placed 9th in ...

  2. Turkey Blood Testing


  3. A Look Back at the Dairy Business of 2013

    their animals.  The “Range” column identifies the high and low numbers in each category.  The “Top 20% ...

  4. Jill Pfister retires after 33 years of service

    a major in agricultural education and was licensed to teach high school agriscience. She began her career ...

  5. Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Problems Developing in Ohio – What Dairy Producers Need to Know

    amaranth, including a short video on identification and an 11-minute video that explains the risk from this ...

  6. Your Milk Check is Under Attack! Where are all the Federal Order 33 Pool $$'s Going?

    I use. Question: How does what you just explained put my milk check dollars at risk? For any given amount ... relatively large compared to the other orders (i.e. those orders with high class III and low class ...

  7. Robotic Milking: Are we there yet?

    between the free stall area and the milking center to prevent the introduction of unacceptable odors and ...

  8. Leadership Center workshops: Customer Service; StrengthsFinder; Conflict Management; Personality Spectrum; How to Get Along

    Customers return because they like what happened the last time. Set high service standards and live them ...

  9. Engineering plants to help replace oil

    the genetic level so they can boost the production of farnesene, a natural plant oil that can be ...

  10. Pesticide License Testing

