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  1. Family Fundamentals: Examine decision to live together beforehand

    there’s a big difference between making the decision to live together when there are still doubts about ...

  2. Research, Preparation Key to Getting Internships

    conversation with the company in order to create some good connection points between yourself and the company. ...

  3. Chow Line: Caramel candies: More than caramelized sugar

    250 degrees F. When it reaches that stage, the solution is between 85 and 90 percent sugar — just the ...

  4. Statewide Farm to School Conference March 5 Offers Opportunities to Grow Successful Programs

    a statewide conference in March that’s designed to help expand opportunities between the groups. Ohio State ...

  5. New Food Animal Health Director: Collaboration is Key

    Medicine. One Health addresses the overlap between animal health, human health and the environment. ...

  6. Buckeyes Are Toxic to (Real) Ducks, Say Ohio State Ag Experts

    warning: “Ohio buckeye is highly toxic when taken internally.” Ohio State wildlife researcher Bob Gates ...

  7. Environmental Professional Network Field Trip

    other soil conservation measures discussed.  As well as cover crops, vegetable gardening, herbs and ...

  8. Chow Line: Careful: Some People Foods Just Aren’t Good For Dogs

    statement. “Our bodies may break down foods or other chemicals that a dog’s can’t tolerate,” she said. High ...

  9. Chow Line: With flavored water, look at label closely

    including corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), honey, malt syrup, nectars (such ...

  10. Supporting Ohio’s $786 million grape and wine industry …

    Department of Entomology. She’s studying integrated pest management of grapes and muck soil vegetables. She ...
