
Search results

  1. CD Weekly Wire- July 15, 2013

    came together in teams to craft three high-quality proposals for submission. Proposals selected for ... Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change- July 19: The USDA invites you to participate in ... for Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change. This webinar is open to the public and is ...

  2. The 2017 Master Urban Farmer Graduation

    In November, we celebrated the graduation of 53 individuals from our 2017 Master Urban Farmer program, with Teresa Gottier, a former Master Urban Farmer student, who has become a teacher and leader in urban farming delivering the ceremony's address. ...

  3. CD Wire- February 26, 2013

    to you for highly productive meetings!! ... partnerships between OSU Extension and other departments at Ohio State. These grants have provided seed dollars ... services, or video relay services). Phone 1-800-750-0750 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through ...

  4. GSO Luncheon

    have a student luncheon in there, so it is not a high priority.  If other people would like to schedule ...

  5. David Showalter

    metabolomic and transcriptomic approaches to characterize induced defense responses between resistant and ...

  6. CD Wire- March 30, 2015

    compiled at the state level and forwarded to Rosa Soliz at the NCRCRD.  Rosa and Scott Loveridge then ... coordinate the collection of state level data and generate a full report and executive summary that ... commercial products requires a unique facility where various plant and plant co-products can be tested for ...

  7. 2017 Columbus Urban Farm Tour

    Join us on our two remaining Columbus Urban Farm Tours! Our next tour will be Sunday, August 20. The Columbus Urban Farm Tour will be at  Over the Fence Urban Farm. Our last tour will take place on Saturday, September 2, at the  Jedidiah Farm and Studio   ...

  8. CD Wire- April 2, 2018

    Columbus, Ohio.  Are you interested in the collaboration between universities and the cities they reside in? ...

  9. Qu Lab

      Haight, Emily OARDC Research Internship Program Summer 2009 intern, Wooster High School ...

  10. My Summer Research With the Emerald Ash Borer

    mechanisms associated with ash resistance to the Emerald Ash Borer. On a personal level, however, the trips ...
