
Search results

  1. Environmental Policy Initiative Summer 2013 Research Grant Award Winners

    In her studies she focuses on the dynamic interactions between geophysical processes and human ... long-term hurricane risk; and, what is the dynamically optimal nourishment pattern along a heterogeneous ...

  2. Ohio State Economists to Hold Water Quality Discussion During 2013 Farm Science Review

    licensing at the producer level; variable rate fertilizer applications; compulsory soil, tissue and manure ... compromised water resources at the local, state and regional levels, which we hope to share to further inform ...

  3. AEDE Announces 2011 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation and Master's Thesis

    Income-Hiding Between Spouses" has been selected as the 2011 AEDE Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation. The ...

  4. Recent EEDS Graduate Pursues Career in Sustainable Energy

    development as a high school student, when she learned that her French teacher’s husband was a former child ...

  5. U.S. Withdrawal from Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Hurts U.S., Benefits China

    U.S. plan to complete TPP without China was strategic. China would have been forced to choose between ...

  6. Quality Assurance Test Out

    You must RSVP to Kevin Harris by Thursday, January 23, 2020 at or 513-887-6650.  The Make-Up date in case of inclement weather will be Monday, February 3, 2020 at 6:30 pm. ...

  7. National 4-H Week / October 5 – 11, 2014

    Recently I attended a program where three high school 4-H members shared with an audience of about ... in search of great things for their kids to be involved with.  I would highly encourage parents to ... motivation and aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels ...

  8. Extension Reconsidered Luncheon

    Extension Reconsidered-- We Need Your Opinions! We need people between the ages of 14-30 to share ...

  9. AEDE Welcomes Professor Wuyang Hu to OSU

    individual level.” A fitting philosophy for a professor and researcher whose work over the past twenty-years ...

  10. "The effects of state presence on urban crime and state legitimacy: Experimental evidence from policing and municipal services in Bogotá"

    a particularly common and celebrated approach in high crime areas of US cities. While backed by evidence from ... attitudes towards the police or city government. The results suggest that intensive, highly targeted, ...
