
Search results

  1. Art Meets Meat

    from art to the environment and many topics in between, delved into the three aspects of the seminar’s ...

  2. The Benefits of 4-H Summer Camp

    4-H members and non 4-H members.  The cost is $150 for 4-H members and $155 for non 4-H members.  The ...

  3. Performance Management & Coaching

    a coach, you can make the difference between employees reaching their full potential or remaining stagnant ...

  4. St-Pierre inducted into Dairy Science Hall of Service

    relationships between feed prices and nutrient composition, allowing for economic comparisons among feeds in ...

  5. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 2000-2005

    state, national and international levels. As a past student of The Ohio State  University, Herman has ... national Dairy Challenge Contest, designed to test the ability of students to analyze a case study dairy ...

  6. In the News

    Shepherd’s Symposium Ohio's Country Journal, feat. Roger High Holiday Service: CFAES Students Give Back ...

  7. Workshop and a Bagamoyo Farmer Make Seedling Health the Foundation of IPM

    company representatives, scientists, and consultants. He said he was happy to show how production of high ...

  8. Statewide Sheep Shearing School 2012

    Friday, September 7, 2012.  If you decide to register after that date, please call Roger A. High at ... (614)246-8299 or via email at  If you have questions, please call Roger A. High at (614) ...

  9. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce

    promoted to supervisory leadership positions.  This generation of highly educated 20-30 somethings tend to ...

  10. Straight from the fish's mouth

    undergraduate and graduate students, advanced high school students, and educators. For more information, click  ...
