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Teen Hall of Fame
individual for their performance, dedication, and passion for the 4-H program. Nominee must be between the ... Induction into the Teen Hall of Fame is meant to be thought as a very high honor for youth who are selected. ... community, country, and world. Nominee must be between the ages of 15 and 18 as of January 1 the year they ...
improved fish have been distributed to fish farms. Three-year on-farm tests on three sites in two states ... strains and related technologies and investigated their mechanisms. Growth tests funded by USDA-NCRAC ... a fish meal replacer in the yellow perch diet, and found soy protein concentrate could replace 50% of the ...
Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa
pests and diseases, and the emergence of precision soil sampling and fertilizer rate and placement ...
Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa (PDF)
pests and diseases, and the emergence of precision soil sampling and fertilizer rate and placement ...
Nonruminant Feed Sample Set
NONRUMINANT livestock animals, including swine and poultry but not horses. Clear plastic jars, high ...
Ohio youth compete in the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships
(Allen County) placed fifth in the 50-Yard Bullseye for Muzzleloading competition and Aaron Johnson ...
A Field Guide to Identifying Critical Resource Concerns and Best Management Practices for Implementation
landowners spot high-risk concerns and carry out best management practices. Create cost-effective agronomic ... plans with assistance from soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs), state agencies, and the ...
A Field Guide to Identifying Critical Resource Concerns and Best Management Practices for Implementation (PDF)
landowners spot high-risk concerns and carry out best management practices. Create cost-effective agronomic ... plans with assistance from soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs), state agencies, and the ...
Cheryl Buck
marketing and communication efforts. She serves as liaison between the Extension director's office, the ...
Lorrayne Miralha
aligned, may lead to high-quality water for all. Her work has focused on Uncovering the linkages between ...