
Search results

  1. A Complete Approach to Raised Bed Gardening (PDF)

    about location, site prep, materials, soil, planting, irrigation, and avoiding freeze damage. The handy ...

  2. Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture

    versus hyperspectral); and spatial (high, medium and low), temporal (hourly, daily and weekly) and ... for UAVs images include high overlap (approximately 80% frontal overlap and 60% side overlap) between ... provides the tools and technologies to identify in-field soil and crop variability, offering a means to ...

  3. Category 8: Turf Pest Control

    lawns, turf, sod and soil areas being prepared for the production of turf for the control of pests, ...

  4. Category 8: Turf Pest Control (PDF)

    lawns, turf, sod and soil areas being prepared for the production of turf for the control of pests, ...

  5. Billbugs in Turfgrass

    (tug-test). If the stalks break off easily at ground level and the stems are hollowed out and packed with ... damage. If a lawn or neighborhood was damaged in a previous year, it is at high risk of repeating the ... should occur between 280 and 352 DD 50  and the 30% first activity (the time that the last surface ...

  6. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio's Forests: Autumn Olive and Russian Olive

    a wide variety of sites including nutrient- poor soils. They are among the first plants to leaf out in ... forests or wet soils. Identification The most prominent characteristic of both species is the silvery ... viable in the soil for approximately three years. Twigs Silvery or golden brown, scaly when young, often ...

  7. A Complete Approach to Raised Bed Gardening

    about location, site prep, materials, soil, planting, irrigation, and avoiding freeze damage. The handy ...

  8. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Potatoes

    a cool, dry, dark place that is well ventilated. The ideal temperature is between 45–50 degrees ... broth to a boil over medium high heat. While broth is heating, chop vegetables. Add chopped potatoes, ... potatoes =  about 3 medium potatoes 3 cups peeled and sliced 2½ cups peeled and diced 2 cups mashed 2 cups ...

  9. On-Farm Biosecurity: Traffic Control and Sanitation

    will be used to reduce pathogen levels. What Are the Greatest Risks for Disease Introduction? Although ... feed, animals, soil or manure. Any sampling equipment should be cleaned and disinfected between uses. ... plastic bag or container before re-entering the vehicle. High-Risk Visitors High-risk visitors to the farm ...

  10. Using the Tree Measuring Stick

    defects, use your judgment in making deductions that reduce the volume between 10 and 50 percent. ... between your eye and stick to be sure it is 25 inches (Figure 2b). The “Diameter of Log” scale on the top ... unusable. Deductions should be made for estimated loss due to these defects. Trees that are over 50 percent ...
