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  1. 2015 Ohio State University Career and Internship Fair

    graduate programs and degree levels with employers seeking to recruit them for career employment and ...

  2. 1st Annual Student Wildlife Research Symposium

    wildlife-related research that is taking place in high schools around Ohio in a professional and supportive ...

  3. Backup Plan

    not a bad idea to practice with a “test” a couple of times a year.  If most of your family is in one ...

  4. Dr. Norman Fausey named Fellow of ASABE at the Annual International

    International Meeting in Kansas City.  Dr. Fausey leads the ARS Soil Drainage Research Unit on the OSU, Columbus ...

  5. Conditions Favorable for Sclerotinia Stem Rot in Soybeans

    spacing (7- 15 in), high plant populations, and canopy closure at or prior to flowering. Apothecia are ...

  6. Leimeister and Wirth Win Junior Fair Beef & Dairy Carcass Contests

    2.8 and was a ‘high choice’ quality grade.  Wirth’s dairy steer had a weight of 860 pounds, a rib eye ...

  7. G. Kaletunc

    202 Hello Brandon,   I need Room 202 to be reserved between 9:30-10:30 am on the following dates ...

  8. American Council on Education Women's Network-Ohio Conference Evening Reception

    for reservations is October 1, 2015   Registration   Cost: $125 ($50 for graduate students) – includes ...

  9. Kelsey Andersen

    moisture patterns on the association between Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol contamination in ...

  10. Two Graduate Students Recognized by AAIC

    the sustainable natural rubber composites with low energy consumption and high performance. The ...
