
Search results

  1. Bioprocessing Research Lab- People

    structure and function in composts and amended soils; engineered processes for efficient conversion of dairy ... Aminocyclopyrachlor and Clopyralid herbicides during the process of composting and tested the effects of these ...

  2. SENR Seminar Series- Rod Williams 4/4/19

    Dr. Rod Williams, Engagement Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor of Wildlife in Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University, will present  An Engaged Approach to Endangered Species Conservation from 4:10-5:30P.M. in 164 Howlett Hall. Brief Summ ...

  3. Combined or Dual Degree

    satisfying the degree requirements to earn two separate degrees simultaneously. Such highly motivated ...

  4. SENR Welcomes New Faculty Member

    our forests and the relationship between land-use and forestry activities and climate regulation ...

  5. TWEL Kevin Swanson Thesis

    between years. Hares used shrub-dominated wetlands, wetland forests (10-20 years old), and early ... contiguous wetland/forest tracts with connectivity between habitat patches to facilitate inter-population ...

  6. TV Weathercasters as Climate Educators: Making the Global Local

    let's work together to test the proposition that TV weathercasters can be effective climate educators. ...

  7. Visit by USDA Acting Deputy Secretary

    of SENR gave short presentations on the work being done in soil conservation, wetland protection and ...

  8. How to Make Green from Your Woods, Keep Them Green in the Future

    25 workshop takes place in the lower level conference room of the Crawford County Courthouse, 112 E. ...

  9. NEW! Your Pond Update

    pond is now.  Last year, following a relatively mild winter with relatively high average temperatures ... disrupt pond strata also increases the risk of causing crashes in dissolved oxygen and large fish kills. ...

  10. Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab affiliates present research at annual wildlife meeting

    Malpass, Amanda D. Rodewald, and Laura J. Kearns) Predicting County-Level Variation in Deer Harvest ...
