
Search results

  1. Update on Blueberry Production Research

    require an acidic pH of 4.5, high organic matter of 4-7%, and excellent drainage.  Idea blueberry soils ... look like a sandy beach with high organic matter content and readily available water.  Only a few ... hard to mimic those ideal blueberry grounds with acidifying soil by applying elemental sulfur, ...

  2. 2021 Buckeye Fresh Mini Meat Cutting Workshops

    non-meat ingredients (i.e. salt, phosphates, nitrites, etc.) finalized by conducting hands-on cutting tests ...

  3. 2021 Buckeye Fresh Mini Meat Cutting Workshops

    non-meat ingredients (i.e. salt, phosphates, nitrites, etc.) finalized by conducting hands-on cutting tests ...

  4. 2021 Buckeye Fresh Mini Meat Cutting Workshops

    non-meat ingredients (i.e. salt, phosphates, nitrites, etc.) finalized by conducting hands-on cutting tests ...

  5. 2021 Buckeye Fresh Mini Meat Cutting Workshops

    non-meat ingredients (i.e. salt, phosphates, nitrites, etc.) finalized by conducting hands-on cutting tests ...

  6. 2021 Buckeye Fresh Mini Meat Cutting Workshops

    non-meat ingredients (i.e. salt, phosphates, nitrites, etc.) finalized by conducting hands-on cutting tests ...

  7. Turfgrass Research & Technology Field Day

    Receive the latest information from the OSU Turf Team for managing healthy turfgrass and test out ... Gardner Pigment Updates- Ed Nangle Insect Updates for Golf- David Shetlar  High Cut and Sportsturf ... Concurrent Sessions Insect Updates for High-Cut Turf- David Shetlar Sports Turf Review- Pam Sherratt and ...

  8. Call for OSU Extension Work-Life Work Group

    representation from all program areas, position types, and levels of experience in Extension. I hope to hear from ...

  9. GAPs Training Webinar

    to reduce food safety hazards and the risk of on-farm produce contamination. Participants will ...

  10. GAPs Training Webinar

    to reduce food safety hazards and the risk of on-farm produce contamination. Participants will ...
