
Search results

  1. National Sheep Sales Heading to Ohio

    sheep is high and the state of Ohio sets midway between East Coast and Western Cornbelt breeders who ...

  2. Remembered

    a brief hospitalization. A 1947 graduate of Central High School, Grace was an active member of ...

  3. Fellowships for Undergraduate STEM

    language study at the college level. Summer 2018 fellowships are expected to cover $5,000 in tuition and ...

  4. Equine Program

    breeding lab, and classroom with seating for 50 students. There is also a large outdoor arena and several ...

  5. Farm Science Review to be held September 16-18

    soil pit, riparian forests, dry hydrant and much more. The Gywnne also has an all-season log cabin ... displays. Meetings between Kottman and Maxon soon involved Ray Mattson of the Columbus Tractor Club, Thomas ...

  6. Information Session for Spring Break 2019 Program- Costa Rica: Sustainable Service Learning

    between the OSU and EARTH students who are from various tropical countries around the world as well as ...

  7. Information Session for Spring Break 2019 Program- Costa Rica: Sustainable Service Learning

    between the OSU and EARTH students who are from various tropical countries around the world as well as ...

  8. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university ... history of OSU Extension The event will be held at the Ohio Union, 1739 North High Street, Columbus ...

  9. Student Participants and Visitors Enjoy the Processed Meats Product Show

    between people trying the product and my peers and I. A wide range of people showed up to try the ...

  10. What does your family emergency plan look like?

    weather emergency?  Why would you want to risk your kid’s uncertainty if there is a severe weather ... make you thirsty. Choose salt-free crackers, whole grain cereals and canned foods with high liquid ... butter Dried fruit Nuts Crackers Canned juices Non-perishable pasteurized milk High energy foods Vitamins ...
